On Sunday, March 17th we were joined at the 10:00 am service by Sayon Camara, an African drummer. Sayon, who is from Guinea, is an extremely talented djembefola with an intimate knowledge of the music for all the drums of the Malinke culture. He has led a number of drumming workshops in our undercroft. Sayon and some of his students played music for the prelude and postludes, four pieces during the service, and accompanied some of the hymns. They also lead a workshop on African drumming open to the entire Wolfeboro community from 12:30 to 4:00 pm. The day will was capped off by a concert that evening from 5:00 to 6:30 pm in our sanctuary.


All Saints held its usual pancake supper on Tuesday of this week, hosted by the Youth Group. Ted added a special event before, however, for our younger members: Ash Wednesday for Children. We burned some of last years palms, viewed a short clip of the Lion King, talked about the cycle of life and then gave each child, who wished to do so, a chance to impose the palm ashes on themselves or another child's forehead